I am a journalist. Or at least trying to be one. I graduated from the University of Missouri School of Journalism with an emphasis in magazine editing. I am trying desperately to find a job in the changing world of news media. The Internet has changed everything. The current economic slump is keeping advertisers from advertising and readers from paying for news. Having not come across any freelance jobs in the area, I'm keeping my writing brain fresh with this blog and the fiction that I write.
Allow me to rant for a minute: A friend pointed out the irony of the title of my blog with the nature of my degree, as he implied that journalism is often fabricated. If only people knew the lengths to which reporters and editors go to ensure the accuracy of the story. Of course there are those who abuse their power of information sharing. There will always be bad seeds. Just don't throw out the baby with the bathwater. And people complain about the media constantly, but do you know anyone that actually stops paying attention to news and current events because they say it's all made up or slanted? No. Journalism will always exist. There is in an inherent need for it.
Sure, without a doubt, the media has somewhat of a liberal slant (in some mediums and outlets more than others). But, as a professor once said addressing this statement, it's in the nature of the business. The profession is that of watchdog and activist work, and therefore those practicing share the liberal, social mindset.
And now I make a connection between the blog and journalism. I believe, hope, that my training in journalism will help me to see what fiction needs to be written. The best fiction relates truths, thereby becoming a form of journalism. I hope that my knowledge of what goes into a good story, the details that need to be looked for, will inform and aid my journalism profession once it starts.
I came across a story in the LA Times through Newspaperproject.org. It shows that while journalism is in a slump, there is still hope. Now, I just need someone to put their trust in my abilities and hire me.
We Don't Really Know What the Dodo Looked Like
10 hours ago